
Showing posts from August, 2020

The #1 Question People Ask About OCR

  A Gartner analyst takes 20 calls a month on OCR and   Intelligent Document Processing  from enterprise buyers looking to make their next moves. We asked him what they’re looking for in a  data extraction solution . And he said, “solution accuracy.”  Here’s why: Vendors aren’t generally willing to provide this most critical metric. Instead, they say, “it depends.” They don’t want to commit, which is unsatisfactory to the enterprises who have real money on the line.                                    READ MORE

Welcome To The World Where Machines Do Better

  Artificial Intelligence Machines learn like humans “Just think how we have learned to understand something, or how we have learned to infer something,”. “That’s the evolution of intelligence a human being has, the same thing happens with a machine, also, so slowly they start learning things, slowly they start understanding things, and in that way, they can start inferring things, and that inference is what can lead to machine learning, or we can say,  artificial intelligence .” Priya Thampi ,  VP Engineering Explains – Why customers believe in  Infrrd ’s  approach and how Infrrd’s technology is making a difference from others. READ MORE

5 Trends in OCR Accuracy

  OCR, AI OCR or  Intelligent Document Processing (IDP)  are solutions that extract data from documents.  OCR  is used for simple documents, while IDP can handle a greater variety of documents, from simple to complex, unstructured documents.  AI OCR Accuracy Trends Accuracy  is an important topic to understand when automating data extraction from documents.  Yet there is significant uncertainty around what accuracy is and what can be achieved for your use case.When it comes to accuracy, Infrrd believes the answer to “what’s my accuracy?” should be something you can bank on.Accuracy uncertainty should not be a roadblock to your success. READ MORE

Teresa On Why Infrrd Is A Great Place to Grow

  Teresa Cattaneo  has sold wine. She’s sold guitars. But starting in August 2018, she became part of Infrrd’s team, selling something else exciting — the ability for enterprises to make the impossible possible when it came to  data extraction and business transformation .  The Leadership Cares She says she knew going out on a limb to join a startup was worth it once she met Amit, the company’s founder. “I think we have an exceptional leader at  Infrrd ,” she says. “He’s got open arms for anything you need to discuss.” READ MORE